Azure Stack packaging and pricing

Microsoft has finally released the pricing for Microsoft Azure Stack.
It’s long been known that MAS (Microsoft Azure Stack) would be prices on a Pay-as-you-go model just like Azure but we’ve not known the exact price so far. HPE revealed the price for the hardware a few weeks ago and it’s been said to be between 300-400.000 USD minus all the normal discounts.

Microsoft Azure Stack pricing

It looks like the price is roughly 30% of running the same Virtual Machine in Azure. Which makes MAS a very very attractive solution for running workloads on-prem.

Details available here:
Or download directly from my blog here: Microsoft_Azure_Stack_Packaging_and_Pricing_EN_US-1


Swedish Windows Azure Stack User Group

For my Swedish community members who’s interested in Microsoft Azure Stack. There is now a Swedish Windows Azure Stack User Group on Facebook, where we share knowledge, information and discuss everything around Microsoft Azure Stack and Windows Azure Pack.

Welcome to join!