Update AD-Users with new Phone-number and Pager via Powershell

Had a quick question from a customer about how one can automatically update the phone number and pager of a lot of AD users. The customer was changing switchboard and had to add 1 number in front of the current number.  Adding it in the middle of the string is also possible, but slightly more complicated as you have to split the string.

This is possible to do in a few different ways, but I chose the quickest way for me, via Powershell.

End Result:



3 thoughts on “Update AD-Users with new Phone-number and Pager via Powershell”

  1. Hi Marcus
    Yes please, can you please show the changes that need to be made. There are multiple OUs where users are located. This would be a time saver, if phone numbers could be udated in a spreadsheet and then directly uploaded.
    Thank you

  2. That would absolutely be quite easy and shouldn’t take long to adjust the script and implement that.
    please drop me a mail if you would want some help with that markus.lassfolk at truesec.se

  3. Is it possible to modify this script to upload an excel sheet of telephone numbers and pager numbers that have changed?

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